Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Keep 'em Cartoons Coming

by Peter Kuper for The New Yorker.

Our government has no sense of humor. I doubt they like cartoons and comics that much. Definitely not political satire. So I can only cackle really loud at other countries. But hell yeah, I'm mindful of how laughable our own politics can be too. And I really do not want to vote in September for our Presidential Elections. To me, it's like 'since you've decided on everything, you want my vote for f^*k?'

Anyway, see Peter Kuper's excellent drawing above. This is insanely hilarious, to have corporate politics play out on the national (and international) stage. What a week. How do people live with so much drama? Who's actually running America? The White House is like a little island staging its own reality show.

If there's an ounce truth in a story about a recently-resigned White House Press Secretary, then the image of Sean Spicer (allegedly) dragging a mini-fridge across the corridors of the White House is hysterically funny. Even the storylines in 'The West Wing' , 'Veep', 'Madam Secretary' and 'House of Cards' pale in comparison with this reality show. What's next?

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